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  • Writer's pictureEva Yang

Welcome world baby Ahana

It's been a year since I started my business. I'm not new to photography, but I am still new to the industry. Besides doing what I love- taking photos, I am still trying to figure out the direction of my business, which direction I should take where I want to go next. I do love documentary photography such as weddings and events as I love to capture the emotions. I also enjoy newborn photography as newborn babies are so delicate and precious, record the first few days of their lives means so much to the family. I am amazed all fast babies grow. For newborn babies, they change everyday, every hour, by every minute. Only photos can keep the time still.

I have the absolute honor to take photos for this newborn baby Ahana (beautiful name). She is only 2.5 weeks old. While sharing and talking to her mom and dad about their initial challenges being parents, it reminded me 2 years ago when I was in their shoes.

I know being a new parent can be so tough, sleep deprivation, worrying about breastfeeding, and there is constant worry about baby's health. Very soon, things will get better. Then there will be other worries: when will they spotty trained, when will terrible 2 be over, when will horrible 3 be over, etc etc. Well, that is the joy of being new parents.

For Newborn photos, I always want to create simple and timeless look. I want their parents to look back these photos in the future or when the babies became adult themselves, still amazed how beautiful the photos look in the future.

I was impressed by how baby Ahana did in the session. She was strong and conscious about the surroundings. Taking these photos with her sleeping were not easy.

The total session took 3 hours, but the result was great

Thank you for the opportunity baby Ahana and her family!

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